Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Bath for Momma D

Not a full bath, as I was holding Sheza on halter and lead rope while hosing mom. We don't really have a safe place to hard tie Sheza. We have two "stalls" (made with pipe) with cross ties. I only hard tie when I am out with the trailer. Its a conundrum! I should call the last owner and ask where she taught them to tie when she was training. Anyway Sheza was very mellow while I hosed mom. Mom stood with legs slightly straddled, breathing with great concentration as if waiting for the hose to eat her. But she didn't jump or do anything silly, just tried to remain calm and by the end of it she seemed fine and didn't mind the squeegee. Filly just sort of stood there and watched what happened. She didn't like the light spray I put on her little hooves! Definitely time to do a first bath soon. She is already so big and strong! Three weeks old tomorrow and she looks like pure muscle!
This was, by the way, the first time I had hosed Desire at all. She arrived in January and it hasn't been nice enough yet. She was very wary of the concrete cross tie area when she arrived, and with only a few exposures to it already tolerates it quite well. Today was really the acid test as I don't know the mare that well! I know her in that I spent every day scratching on her and hanging out with her, but not as a working horse. I was thinking that I may have been the last person to saddle her, back in November in Utah??? Could be...they realized she was pregnant not long after I was there. I dunno..regardless she hasn't been saddled in months and hadn't been bathed. So it was sort of thrilling that she just accepted it and sort made herself remain calm. Especially with little filly just standing there.
I have to admit, I'm nervous about riding her for the first time when its time! Thanks to my leg-breaking incident that moment of swinging up and sitting in the saddle on a new horse now makes me VERY tense. I used to love the challenge but now I have a serious moment of "OH HELL NO." So that is something to think about..maybe I will have Barbara come and at least hang out with me for the first time, talk me into, haha. Ah, to grow up and gain fears.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know, right? We used to be so fearless as kids. I can barely remember the days when I used to ride all over Comptche off-road and all over bareback. You couldn't pay me to do that again!

    I'm sure everything will go great, and having another person there for moral support & safety is a top-notch idea. =)
