Monday, January 13, 2014

Eye Candy

I spent 5 minutes at breakfast, 15 minutes at mid afternoon, and about 30 minutes this evening just visiting with Rambo and the gang. Distributing carrots, taking photos, handling Rambo all over at liberty. He is just something else. Completely unruffled by the change, quiet, calm, interested. Pushy for more pets, even nosing my hand away from Scrappy to him! And *delighted* that I could put my back into giving full body scratches. He did a 2 step back and forth getting his ears to his dock scratched.

Rambo gets fancy for breakfast
glad to see carrots headed his way midafternoon

 Rushcreek rumpus

 Rambo, meet Jay
 the seniors, Blaze and Desire

 Does this photo look like he's lived here for 24 hours? I just love peaceful herds
 Pretty nice feet! And a Rambo nose in the camera ;-)
Scrappydoo <3
 Rambo telling Scrappy HE gets pets, LOL

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