Thursday, December 15, 2011

First Rain of December

We have had gorgeous cool crisp sunny days throughout this first half of December 2011. I suppose its only fitting that we finally got a mini storm. I threw the blankets on the horses last night and good thing, as it POURED off and on throughout the night. Most of the storm has already blown through but its 35 degrees and dripping wet and gray this morning. The sun is supposed to return tomorrow with no more rain in the forecast as of *yet* though that can change quickly of course. I'm actually quite grateful for the rain, I was just grumbling yesterday morning as I was once again wedging Desire's feed tub into the corner in the bitterly cold morning, getting covered in dust and dirt. It seemed off to be shivering in the December morning but still getting dusty, rather than muddy. I like my filthiness to be seasonally appropriate, after all. A thorough rinse and wash of the place and some dust-busting was needed. That said the sunny weather has been fantastic and I'll miss it when it's gone, as it no doubt will be soon enough.

Tonight is a good friend's birthday dinner at a great Sushi restaurant--I can't wait as it will be a good time and we haven't had really good sushi in ages! Yum.

Horses getting cozy last night:


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