Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cherish the Good

It's been an interesting start to the New Year, with some big changes already in motion and possibly more to come. In times of upheaval and pain you turn to what you love and feel safe with. And so I give you my super safe, totally sane 21 month old Arabian filly ;-)   Sheza is getting LARGE but is certainly not in charge, with Boss Man Joey having taken over the herd, de-throning even mini horse Napoleon in the process.
I've let Sheza out of her pasture gate the last few mornings and she jogs right out like a dog on my heels to go for a wander. Everyone else causes a ruckus and declares No Fair; Sheza expands her horizons with some shenanigans, snorting, heel kicking up, oh, and lots of Eating. Eating, my friends, is a priority passed onto this red beast by her mommy dearest, Desire. Those two go through chow like Clydesdales.

Sampling the frozen tundra
 My other love bug is my longhair doxie pup, Rip. He finishes his shots end of this month and I can *finally* bring him home with me for good. In the meantime I am visiting him often and you can see what a beauty he is turning into:
 Finally, this little cartoon is pertinent, and correct. I have led my horse to water and literally made her drink more successfully than...


  1. I wish you well. Your huge gorgeous filly and adorable puppy love you unconditionally (though having treats does help...)

  2. Thank goodness for our animals to get us through. My thoughts are with you on whatever upheaval you're dealing with right now.

    1. Thank you. I appreciate the thoughts, ladies.
