Hard to believe a new year has already come around again! We kept it low key around here for the holidays; when not utilizing the fair weather productively our New Year celebrations looked pretty well like this, plus or minus some critters and humans:
I made it all of 1 day into January before sidelining horse plans for a random reason. I had scheduled to haul Blaze and Sheza to the lake yesterday to be joined by N but after prepping the trailer and tack, working the filly early in the frosty morning, and pulling Blaze, I noticed a couple things on Blaze that made me cancel. At the moment it can't be called more than a raised area at his left shoulder with slight palpation sensitivity and knotted muscle in his left flank, and an otherwise bright and cheery Blaze. I'm thinking he rolled on something/got out of whack, and will call the chiro if it hasn't magically disappeared in a day or two, but it was a nice new year reminder to stay alert and flexible.
Sheza still got a good round pen workout and some hoof micro managing in and enjoyed a half hour of hand grazing around the property before I glanced askance at the height tape reading 15 hands at the wither--and yes she's butt high currently-- and returned her to Scrappy.
maybe I'll climb that porch and move that dog
My youngster Rushcreek has been restless as ever lately and her entertainment factor, retired step-mom Desire, has been opting for more napping and less galloping lately, so a pasture switch was due. I know everyone says "she's just a baby!" about Rory being naughty, and while it's true and I do recall not being overly fond of Sheza at a similar age, Rory's particular brand of mischief runs to the goat-esque* so she's best reoccupied before she really gets a wild hair (like chewing down a shed, running through open gates for the road, or jumping the fence..).
*annoying, destructive, dangerous, did I mention annoying
Mini emperor Napoleon was also due for a hair cut, hoof trim, and pasture swap
Ever since we moved to our property 5 years ago I've been utilizing the many cross fenced areas so that only a retiree or the mini lived with someone else and there was minimal "risk." I don't know if it's having so many horses now or enough crap happen out of my control but sometime in the last few months I've suddenly gotten over my herd paranoia. My first step was letting Sheza live with Scrappy (my baby! my endurance horse!) and I really threw in the proverbial control towel when adding Rory to the mix yesterday. My whole riding future, in one (read 3) pasture(s), able to murderate each other, intentionally or otherwise. So far it's yielded a hilarious video, a very pleased Scrappy, and probably some more wiggle room in my conditioning schedule with the fillies keeping him moving. I always keep a sharp eye on dynamics as they can change daily but so far the group of youngsters seem pretty peaceful and Scrappy seems to like having a herd again.
Something I forgot to write in here originally but think bears adding: I'm curious what Scrappy having a herd at home will do to his brain, since he's been "alone" (sharing fence line only) or with the mini at the most in the last year. I wondered if a horse who came from a herd environment originally then spent his down time "alone" and only got out in groups settings again at ride camps didn't just ask for trouble, ya know?
Something I forgot to write in here originally but think bears adding: I'm curious what Scrappy having a herd at home will do to his brain, since he's been "alone" (sharing fence line only) or with the mini at the most in the last year. I wondered if a horse who came from a herd environment originally then spent his down time "alone" and only got out in groups settings again at ride camps didn't just ask for trouble, ya know?
Rory threw her standard hour long tantrum about the pasture switch..

..she headbutted and bodychecked Sheza trying to get her to run dramatically but if you can't tell, Sheza is currently trying on the role of Scrappy Who Stands and Watches Dubiously
"mature" horses not sure what the fuss is about ;-)
But An Arab is an Arab!
Scrap leads his ladies away
One never knows what the day, week, or month will yield, let alone 365 pages yet to be written. I aim to keep an open mind and heart and ride, ride, ride.
I love the title to this post! And I bet all of your horses will do great with each other:)
ReplyDeleteThanks, and hope so :)